Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Saffrom March (Z. T Lian)

The Saffron March
(Revolution on the Streets of Yangon)
By SalaiZTLian

For the thirsty Saffron Revolutionists of peace,
Sleep is uneasy
On the Streets of Yangon

On the 18th of September, they start to
March for peace, freedom and democracy
On the Streets of Yangon

The Saffron Revolutionists march meekly to bring Democracy
In the rain, but brutal monsters threaten them
On the Streets of Yangon.

The monsters threaten to kill the innocent
But the Saffron Revolutionists gracefully pray
For peace, freedom and democracy
On the flooding Streets of Yangon

On the 22nd of September, the Icon of the Burmese appears from her house
With tears to give respect
To those who march for Peace, freedom and democracy
On the University Avenue Road

Old men and women shed thankful tears
Men also breathe deeply
The children clap their hands with hope and happiness
When they see the marching.

But the monsters begin arresting and killing the people
While the Revolutionists march without fear
On the Streets of Yangon.

The Devils are everywhere; their number is 77 and 66.
Thugs back them up
To kill the Saffron Revolutionists.

Sounds of guns and explosions deafen the Streets.
But the Revolutionists continue their march
This is 27th of September. Many Saffron Revolutionists are killed.

The sound of Saffron Revolutionists’ praying
Spreads all over the Streets of Yangon.
The Devils of 77 and 66 shoot to kill.
This is 28th of September.

The Saffron Revolutionists stop marching
On 29th of September, because many have died,
And many are still in the Devil’s hell
But their blood and spirit remains unstoppable
On the Streets of Yangon.

By marching to bring Peace, freedom and democracy
On the Streets of Yangon,
The Revolutionists have earned the hearts of the Burmese,
But the Devils have earned their hatred.

This is the Saffron Revolution;
And this is the Revolution of the Streets of Yangon!!!

(I would like to thank Uma for helping me to edit this poem)

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